Friday, December 5, 2008

Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

Eclipse.. Check..

I finished it in 4 days. Need a longer time than the two before coz I read it on weekdays. Finally I got used to with the kind of love they have. And for me, as long as Bella and Edward together, the story is gracious. Hayyah… ini gw kok jadi lebay gini :p

And now, I’m waiting for Breaking Dawn to release.


Monday, December 1, 2008

New Moon by Stephenie Meyer


I had finished ‘New Moon’. I started to read it on Saturday night and finished it on Sunday noon. :p Of course I couldn’t stop it. Knowing that Edward is far away from Bella, somehow, made me can’t wait any longer to know what will happen.

Even though I still can’t understand their love, but I still love this one just like the first one. :)

And now, I’m working on ‘Eclipse’.
